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gbpartnerships is committed to ensuring a sustainable future through responsible business activities. We are actively working towards reducing carbon emissions, achieving Net Zero by 2030, and, making a positive contribution to the communities in which we work.


We are leading the way through incorporating carbon reduction initiatives into our work with partners to achieve NHS Net Zero targets.  With the teams’ expert knowledge of BREEAM Excellent, Passivhaus and Net Zero Carbon designs informing the ‘fossil fuel free’, highly insulated designs for all current and future projects.

gbp’s key value of being “accountable to all” has driven an increased focus on Social Value, committing to specific measures in contracts and frameworks in relation to training, apprenticeships and local supply chain.


This work is captured in gbp’s 2022’s Social Value Report, verified by the Social Value Portal. It builds upon the four days of volunteering time staff can provide during work time, thanks to gbp’s volunteering policy and a total of c.£30,000 in charitable donations made in 2022 through the gbp foundation.

Carbon Reduction Plan

In addition to working with our partners and clients to help achieve a carbon reduction, gbpartnerships are working to achieve Carbon Net Zero by 2030. Download the Carbon Reduction Plan by clicking the button below:

Social Value Report


Our 2021-22 Social Value report provides an overview of the progress we're making across the gbpartnerships group of companies to ensure that the impact is positive and lasting. Explore the report to find out how we’ve been getting on.

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Net Zero Solutions

We work in partnership with NHS and public sector organisations to unlock complex estate challenges, planning, developing, and maintaining the highest quality, sustainable health and public buildings that serve the needs of communities, now and in the future. 

At every stage 
we look for opportunites to support our clients inachieving their
Net Zero ambitions. The case studies below provide information on some of our most recent work. For more information, pelase contact us using the form at the bottom of the page.

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Operating responsibly

We are committed to the highest standards of integrity and corporate governance practices, conducting business in an honest and ethical manner.

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Sustainable innovation

We will reduce our environmental impact by seeking to reduce our contribution to climate change and supporting our staff, suppliers and clients to do the same.

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Inclusive and

Supportive Workplace

We will build a more inclusive organisation by having a workforce that reflects the diversity of our communities and is inclusive for all employees.

Responsible Business

At the heart of our DNA is a commitment to invest in partnerships and relationships that make a positive difference.


We act with integrity, have an ambition to be the best, deliver excellence in all we do and with accountability to all. This forms the DNA for all of the gbpartnerships group and team members.

We recognise that as a company our actions impact our employees, our customers and suppliers, the communities in which we live and work, and the environment.

Read our Russia and Belarus Trading Statement here.

Supplier Code of Conduct

We are aware of the responsibility we bear toward our customers, employees, wider stakeholder group and the communities in which we work. Thus, we have given ourselves a set of ethical values to guide us in our business dealings. This is set out in our values wheel above.


We expect all our suppliers, i.e., all companies who do business with the gbpartnerships group of companies, to move towards operating in line with these ethical principles. For this purpose, gbpartnerships has drawn up this supplier code of conduct, which sets the standards for doing business with us.



Our accreditations mean that we have been assessed against recognised standards and operate to the highest levels of quality and service - providing further assurance to you that we are both credible and will deliver a quality service.  Current accreditations include:​

  • ​ISO 9001 (Quality Management)

  • ISO 14001 (Environmental Management)

  • ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety)

  • Cyber Essentials Plus

  • ICO, Information Commissioners Office, Data Protection 

  • C2E, Committed to Equality, Equality Policies Verification Certificate

  • Equality Register Membership

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View the latest gbpartnerships
news here.

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gbpartnerships foundation

At the heart of our DNA is a commitment to working in partnership to create stronger communities. 

Let's Discuss 
Your Next Project

Fill out the form opposite with your details and enquiry. 
We look forward to hearing from you.

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gbpartnerships group. Registered at Companies House. Company No: 4299396. Privacy Policy.

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