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Estate planning and mobilisation support for PCN’s Covid-19 vaccine rollout programme

General practice will have an important role in the Covid-19 vaccination programme, and a key element in the planning for the rollout of the programme requires Primary Care Networks (PCN’s) to identify suitable sites from which they can administer vaccines.

With a huge logistical operation to manage, your primary & community healthcare estates partner, gbpartnerships, can help you every step of the way. From identifying the optimum vaccination sites, to managing any potential variations – for example - converting under-utilised or vacant space into vaccine hubs. Nominated sites must meet the designation criteria*, which will be assessed by CCG teams on NHS England’s behalf and in collaboration with PCN’s. Due to the specific supply, storage, preparation and administration characteristics of the vaccines, as well as ongoing social distancing rules, it is essential that all sites delivering COVID-19 vaccination meet these core requirements.

Our strong partnerships and detailed knowledge of the primary care & community estate across the country makes us ideally placed to rapidly respond and support PCN’s with the delivery of the vaccination programme.

If you’d like a member of the team to contact you about how we can help, please email your details to: and a we'll get in touch.

* designation criteria: · Storage · Planning and co-ordination · Site Safety · Wastage · Space · Workforce · Patient Experience · Vaccine storage and handling · Preparation · Administration · Aftercare · Data collection

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