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gbp’s 12 days of Christmas Giving...

This Christmas, the gbp foundation is making donations to 12 good causes and charities that are close to the hearts of our staff.

On the third day of gbp’s 12 days of Christmas giving, a donation of £200 is on its way to Compton Care, a palliative charity, providing end of life care to those that really need it.

gbp finance team member, Gemma Dixon, nominated this cause for a donation as it is particularly close to her heart with the amazing support she and her family received from the charity, throughout the times they needed it most.

Reliant on donations and charitable funding, Compton Care provides both on site care at their hospice, and also have community workers, to help those pass with dignity in their own homes.

The donation will be used to fund the core running costs of the charity. The cost of items at Compton is extortionate, despite these being an organisation that is relied upon by so many. According to their website, it costs £20k to fund a Community Night Nurse, £15k for a Syringe Driver, which helps administer pain relief, and £15k for a double bed for patients. However, they are so grateful for any donation received as it all goes towards helping those in need.

We hope that the donation makes a difference to those in need at this time of year.

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